This site is about doll photography whether they be my dolls or others. The dolls are shown in multiple activities from doll meets to Cosplay, Holiday themes to operations.
A bit about my dolls;
Ceilidh, is a Celtic word for a traditional Gaelic social gathering, which usually involves playing Gaelic folk music and dancing. I went with the traditional Scottish spelling being part Scot/Cornish/English. Ceilidh is a RealDoll body 5 face 11 that I bought from The RealDoll Doctor October 7,2005.
Jayde is a RealDoll Body 2 Face 11 Bought by Michelangelo November 21, 2007. A year later I went to Canada to adopt her.
Yuri/ Yoshi is a second body 2 that I bought from the RealDoll Doctor October 25, 2007. Yuri is a face 14, that came with the body, and Yoshi is a smiling face 13 I bought May 29,2008. This doll is the first to have a Hime joint in the lower back for better flexibility, and durability, and is still working well.
Tira Misu is a Boy Toy Miss March bought from the manufacture July 1, 2008 and is the only doll I bought new.She is also the first Boy Toy with a factory installed Hime joint.
Myfanwy is my newest doll. She is a Ruby13 Presley body with a #9 head, and is the first with a neck bolt, and pose-able skeleton. Besides making the aluminum neck I also got to finish making her right from the mold. She made her debut July 22, 2012
Dottie is Camp’s doll, but lives with the other dolls to have a warm roof over her head 😉 She is a RealDoll body 5 face 14, originally bought by Nagus.
Vicki was originally bought by Mr Gasket April 13, 2006. She is a RealDoll body 5 face 11 (Ceilidh’s sister) She needed a hip repair (done here) and decided to stay as a stand in for shoots.
That’s it for the dolls here, but there seems to be a number of dolls passing through time to time that end up in more photo shoots. So be on the look out for someone new 🙂
Nice site Incred. silverventure did a great job designing it. Awsome dolls. You do great shoots.
Thanks Dollluver, but the site theme is a templet from WordPress. Siliventurer helped me with adding content to the pages on the left. Also setting up the splash page, and gallery. Gallery3 is also a templet.
I liked the teachers pet but I really liked is the doll with the hooters Tee shirt and I would appreciate if you would email me info on that doll
The two dolls in the Hooters uniforms are Realdolls body number 5. The curly redhead has face number 11, and the other is face 14.
Hi Incred 🙂
Your website is fantastic.
Your pictures are excellent. But especially I envy you for your talent the dolls in your picture stories bring to talk without words. Especially your Miffy. Her face and eyes seems very particularly suitable.
My compliments and thanks for your great work.
Thank you Bluemouse. Miffy is a lot of fun to work with being small and light.
One-stop shopping for pics of Incred and Camp’s lasses? Your ideas intrigue me, and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter. 🙂
Hell of a site you have here! Would you mind if I link it to ‘Shouting to hear the echoes’?
By all means. It would be a privilege. I should set up a links page too 🙂
I am a writer putting together a piece on Real Dolls and would love to meet up with some owners or talk to you in some other way (phone, email, etc). My piece is not ridiculing for finger pointing, or anything else unkind that has been found in media. I have already met with the creator of Real Dolls in California, specialists at the Kinsey Institute, and more. Please email me to discuss my work further. Thank you!
Hi Maya,
If you are looking for a good cross section of people that own dolls, you can find them at ODC http://ourdollcommunity.com/forum/index.php
For the most part doll folks are described as boringly sane. Although most are single males there are many couples that have dolls. The average guy is just that, average. In his forties with the kids moved out with extra income and time. This is just a hobby for most people, and a way to socialize. I have met many people from around the country and the world online.
You can read about the doll meets that I have been to on this site and also on ODC. The meets in California is a way to meet the manufactures along with the West coast members as well as others from around the country. The other big meet is in Pennsylvania, but that is mostly people East of the Mississippi. There is a group that meets in Michigan, but that happens infrequently.
hello, I would like to know if the dolls are on sale, I want 2 and I also could help on distributing them in Mexico
Hi Roger,
I’m sorry but the dolls are not for sale. You can find used dolls for sale here; http://ourdollcommunity.com/forum/index.php?board=29.0