
Comic-Con 2013

Good Day,

Well this is getting to be an annual event. This is the third trip to California, but the second time to Comic-Con. This time I could only get a one day pass for Saturday. Fortunately Polaroid had made all the arrangements, and had a 4 day pass. I arrived on Wednesday, but spent Thursday on the aircraft carrier Midway. That is one massive ship, and great time looking it all over. In fact I missed a panel in the afternoon, but I met up with polar and headed back to the hotel for supper.

Friday Polar and I shared his pass so I could see a panel on Steampunk 101, and have a quick look around. I also saw Doug Sneyd and asked if he could do another drawing only this time of Myfanwy. He learned from last year and had his own iPad only he took a picture of my picture on my iPad 🙂 Another good find was the Tilted Kilt restaurant. It was a couple blocks away with hot girls in mini kilts and tops. We ended up eating lunch there for the next three days.

Saturday is the big day with the most people. I got to see a couple of panels along with getting the drawing from Doug. Also there was plenty of Cosplay, but the best was last. We met Traci Hines outside just as we were leaving for the day. I had to take several pictures because there wasn’t enough light without a flash. I did ask her what her real hair color is and she said “RED” I said “No wonder I like you” 😉

I arranged the pictures with Snuggles arrival, then the Cosplayers with artists and The Tilted Kilt last.


Posted in Uncategorized by Incred on August 2nd, 2013 at 9:57 pm.

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