
Home Wrecker

Howdy Folks,
Last month the shoot was on the Hooters theme in a replica version in my basement (Man Town). I have been building this place to also double as a photo studio, which is taking forever. I started this project about a year ago with the help of Camp, and Ceilidh wanted to help too. With this kind of help I guess you can see why it is taking so long Laughing out loud Evil Sticking out tongue
I still have a lot more finish work to do, but the basics are done. The room features an alcove with wooden curtains to store up to six dolls, and two chests to store clothes. In the pictures here Ceilidh is putting up the curtains with Camp’s helping hands Evil Also she is assembling the two dressers. Afterwords it’s time for a little break and get out of those work clothes Cool
While making these pictures I have been hanging Ceilidh from hooks that dig into the joists. They work great but they leave little holes in the wood and I don’t want to keep making marks all over the room, or multiple marks in certain areas. I have come up with an idea to hang the dolls from strut, and am now able to position them any where in the room. Here is a link to how it is done;

Posted in Uncategorized by Incred on February 14th, 2012 at 1:09 pm.

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