DollStock 2012
Howdy folks,
I did have a shoot all set at the beginning of the month with Myffy and Jayde, but decided to hold off until next month because one of the themes this time at DollStock is Cosplay Halloween costumes. Camp and I brought five dolls including Tamaki, who played herself 😉 Jayde also had a Tamaki costume, Dottie as Elvira, Myffy as Alice in Wonderland, and Ceilidh as Mrs, Incred…ible. Myfanwy’s costume needed a lot of tailoring even though it was a teen small. I did bring a couple of extra costumes for those who couldn’t get a cosplay costume. Like Gramps’ Paula as Yoko, Phoebe as Kanu, and Roxaen as Cavewoman. We did that shoot on Saturday because of a chance of rain, but we only had a sprinkle.
Sunday was a great day so we could do the outdoor shoots. The other theme was a Western shoot across the street in a corral. We had been planning this shoot for a couple of years, but with rain one year, and a big ice storm last year that did a lot of damage, it kept being put off. This year the place was all cleaned up, and even had deer there on the way in. We had the dolls all lined up by a fence for a picture or two. Then we did some individual doll picture around the area. This all happened in the afternoon.
In the morning Mahtek and Gramps helped me do a shoot that I have been wanting to do for some time. The closest was last year with Ceilidh soaking her feet, but it was too cold for me to go in the water.
This year Camp and I looked at a couple places near DollStock on the way there. After talking with the owner of the lodge we scoped out a place near where we looked on the way in. The good and bad was the location, right next to the road 😉 I didn’t have to carry Myffy far, but vehicles coming up the road had a nice view ^-^ The location was perfect with clear moving water that was shallow. I was also looking for a pool with little current to keep the doll still. As I found out the doll is a bit buoyant, so with the shallow water and a well placed rock that she could lean on, this kept her fairly still.
So with Mahtek keeping watch, with a towel to block the view, I could wade around in the freezing water to get the shots. After the shoot I went up the embankment with Myffy in the towel, and handed her to Mahtek over the guardrail who ran across the street to put her in the van, phew! A minute later the fish cops (Fish & Game Warden) rolled by, phew again 8) Just glad it all worked out.
When we got back Camp had Dottie ready for the Western shoot, but doing some shooting of his own 😉 so I took a few pictures of that shoot. In the evening I also took a few pictures of Paula in a blonde wig, and Snuggles snuck in for a picture, or two.
We all had a great time with more food than we knew what to do with. We were so tired and stuffed that we skipped the doll pile shoot, and decided to dress the dolls for the ride home the next day.
With the van full Camp and I headed home on Monday, with a stop at Steamtown in Scranton at lunchtime. After a couple hours looking around we pushed on home, but had to stop at Hooters for supper in Connecticut. With about 850 miles for the weekend, and meeting all the fine doll folks, it was a pretty successful weekend.